Friday, July 29, 2022

Why does the pcr test take so long - why does the pcr test take so long. About COVID-19 testing

Why does the pcr test take so long - why does the pcr test take so long. About COVID-19 testing

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Why does the pcr test take so long - why does the pcr test take so long.A PCR Tester Has Lifted The Lid On Why You’re Waiting Ages For A COVID Test Result 

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A pathology worker has spilled the beans on why PCR test results are taking ages to arrive and the prognosis is not good, let me tell ya. It boils down to: too many people are getting tested. Reddit user Scematix said in their post that over the past two years pathologies developed a batching test method, which why does the pcr test take so long - why does the pcr test take so long them to speed up the process. Further comments clarified lab workers would batch up to 10 tests pc a time.

OK well surely we could just up the capacity at the testing centres and labs, right? Verifying a positive result is also a time-consuming lpng that only experienced people tue do. On top of that, they said there was also an equipment shortage in Australia at the moment. Not good! Finally, one of the most prominent villains of our age rears its ugly, stupid head: capitalism.

All this has had a knock on effect on hospital operations too. Delays in testing have meant people presenting to emergency departments have to wait longer to get help. Well then. Oh wait. We did. But instead of doing that, we focused on increasing police powers and throwing up hard borders, in the hope that this would never happen.

In any event, it seems like testing staff are under an enormous amount of pressure so please be nice to them.

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About COVID testing - COVID

  However, only tests performed by the CDC or a public health facility are covered.    


How Long Does It Take to Get COVID Results by Test Type? - 1. Business Hours


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